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Help wanted: people who can speak more than one language.

Help wanted: people who can speak more than one language.

Which job seekers are in hot demand? Bilingual workers.

That was the headline to an article in the March 13, 2017 Boston Globe.  The article reported that the number of online job postings targeting bilingual workers more than doubled nationwide between 2010 and 2015, rising 162 percent, according to a new report by New American Economy, a coalition of mayors and business leaders that supports immigration reform. The languages seeing the biggest rise in demand: Chinese, Spanish, and Arabic.

Bilingual job listings for higher-end positions, including those in finance and engineering, grew the fastest, but the majority of bilingual jobs didn’t require a bachelor’s degree, including medical assistants and customer service representatives.

According to the article, the share of jobs seeking dual-language speakers is relatively small, just 2.3 percent of all online listings in 2015. But that’s up from 1.9 percent in 2010. During that time, employers added jobs for bilingual workers at a faster pace than for workers overall.

If you’re ready to learn or polish up on another language, give TnT Language Services at call.

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